Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Sun Is Shining In My Eyes...

It’s been some time now since I originally planned on releasing my first record. Since it’s been finished I’ve been going back and forth and up and down and sideways with plans of what to do next. I’ve physically and mentally been everywhere, but at the same time I’ve been at a total standstill. Good news, however. The album artwork is finished. My wife, Cai, has actually been the mastermind behind any and all design or photos you all have seen thus far, and has done a simply amazing job depicting this record according to what I’ve envisioned. I should be able to show off the artwork by the time of my next post. Keep an eye out. Also: I now have a Tumblr as well. Check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. plz don't write back it will come up as a notification
